
Responsibilities Of The Hospital Management Team

Roles and Responsibilities of Hospital Management ensure safety of patient. Read some of the responsibilities of the governing members of a hospital management team.

Managing a hospital is a great task as the operational efficiency and patient care satisfaction impacts the brand. Hospital operations management encompasses all the key activities such as providing services and care to the patients, staff efficiency and satisfaction, revenue generation for the hospital, maintaining records of the hospital, etc. This herculean task cannot be carried out by just a few individuals as they cannot be expected to have knowledge of all the activities, departments and services in a hospital. It is therefore essential to engage a team of experts for these multifarious roles. This team is termed as the ‘Hospital Management’ team.

A Hospital management team is the one that is responsible for the overall functioning and progress of a hospital. It undertakes responsibilities and continuously manages the institution with a single-minded goal of effective operations and with the skills for continually improving the facilities and services provided by the hospital.

Responsibilities for a Hospital Administration and Team Member

1. Responsibilities of a CEO (Chief Executive Officer):

  • Involvement in day-to-day operations of the hospital. He continuously looks at the MIS and plans strategies efficient functioning and growth (where required) of the hospital.
  • Ensures that the hospital provides high quality of care and safety to its patients.
  • Involved in recruiting appropriately skilled, qualified and experienced staff for the hospital.
  • Involved in the process of implementing applicable and well thought through policies for all the departments and services of the hospital.
  • He maintains a connection with every department within the hospital and well as medical communities outside the hospital (leaders of industry, statutory lawmakers, vendors, community, etc.).

2. Responsibilities of a Medical Director:

  • Responsible for developing medical protocols.
  • Oversees the performance of the doctors and other medical staff members.
  • Prepares the hospital records for the governing body.
  • Monitors the quality of medical care.

3. Responsibilities of a Director of Operations/ COO and Performance:

  • Responsible for defining policies and systematic workflow for the hospital.
  • Reports to the CEO and Hospital Board, providing information on the overall functioning of the hospital.
  • Recommends any changes for improving hospital efficiency.
  • Responsible for the day to day operational management of the hospital.

4. Responsibilities of Director / Head of Finance

  • Looks after the financial aspects of the hospital encompassing capital expenditure and operating revenues and expenses.
  • Overseas maintenance of essential financial records of the hospital.

5. Responsibilities of a Director of Nursing:

  • Supervises the nursing staff.
  • Maintains the standards of care.
  • Maintains the patients’ data.


A hospital is a complex organisation. The functions of the various human resources here vary from function supporting services such as medical, paramedical, nursing, support services, administration, maintenance, etc. Each has an important role to play like cogs in a wheel. It is imperative for all of them to work and act in tandem as one congruent, homogeneous body.

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